Budget Press Release
Budget Statement
Budget Negotiations Between the Governor and State Legislature Remain Ongoing
Dear Partner,
Back in January, Governor Gavin Newsom released his proposed 2020-21 budget and projected over $5.6 billion in revenue. He included significant investments around homelessness, health care coverage and paid family leave. Since then, the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the state budget outlook, leaving the governor and the legislature with the difficult task of closing a $54 billion budget deficit. UNITE-LA urges Governor Newsom and the legislature to work out a deal that focuses on equitable solutions to help uplift our state’s already struggling families while also taking steps to strengthen our state’s economy.
Read morePaid Family Leave OpEd

Dear Partner,
The legislature is expected to vote on a bill that will expand Paid Family Leave protections. Below is an OpEd our President & CEO, David Rattray, penned. We hope you also join us in amplifying your voice with regards to this very important topic for California families. Share our social media posts on Instagram and Twitter or call your legislator.
Sonia Campos-Rivera
Vice President, Policy & Public Affairs
DACA Decision Press Release
June 18, 2020
Claudine Battisti
Read moreUNITE-LA 2020 First Quarter Outcomes
The Policy team led Early Care and Education, and K-12 and Higher Education/Immigration groups at the annual ACCESS D.C. advocacy trip; L.A. Cash for College coordinated 158 financial aid completion workshops, individually assisting 4,830 students in the completion of their FAFSA, CA Dream Act or Chafee Grant applications, and over 350 South L.A. students prepared for summer jobs and internships in the healthcare industry.
Click to learn more about other highlights from the first quarter of 2020.
Read more
COVID-19 Resources
Information Hubs:
- L.A. Mayor’s Coronavirus info page: http://corona-virus.la/
- WestEd Center to Improve Social and Emotional Learning and School Safety: COVID-19 Resources
- Philanthropy CA COVID-19 Response: https://www.philanthropyca.org/covid-19-response?qt-covid_19_response=0#qt-covid_19_response
- OYC (Alliance for Children’s Rights): https://kids-alliance.org/covid-19/
- Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare for young people in CA Foster Care: https://fosterreprohealth.org/
Emergency Response:
- How the COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Bill Would Affect Nonprofits: https://www.councilofnonprofits.org/civicrm/mailing/view?reset=1&id=2578
- COVID-19 Stimulus Bill: What it means for states: https://www.ncsl.org/ncsl-in-dc/publications-and-resources/coronavirus-stimulus-bill-states.aspx
- Free Food Resources for LA County Residents during COVID-19 Crisis and Ways to Help: https://covid19.lacounty.gov/food/?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term=
- Pandemic EBT Benefits for Families
- National food resources compiled by Mazon: https://mazon.org/inside-mazon/charitable-food-resource-guide-during-covid-19
Worker and Job Seeker Support:
- Mayor's Office Resources for Angelenos Economically Impacted by COVID-19: https://lajobsportal.org/
- Employment Resources and matching system for job seekers: https://onwardca.org/
- Job Listings for Registered Nurses, Student Nurses, and Unlicensed Personnel who would like to make a positive impact during the COVID – 19 Emergency. List expected to grow and change: https://www.hasc.org/node/13034
- Hospital Association of Southern California’s Immediate Employment Opportunities Flyer: Link to Flyer
- Flagstone Healthcare is looking to hire Certified Nurse Assistants & Hospital Aides: Link to Flyer
- Medica Talent Group is looking for RN’s, LVN’s, Certified Nurse Assistants, MA’s, Admin Assistants, EMTs, Social Workers, and Pharmacy Techs - https://medicatalentgroup.com/jobs/
- Link to Flyer
Unemployment and Income Support:
- Unemployment Insurance Flyer - ADA Compliant
- Pandemic Unemployment Insurance Flyer - ADA Compliant
- Paid leave and Unemployment flyer
- Six Steps to Unemployment Benefits Flyer
- How to file an Unemployment Claim Flyer
- Stimulus check information Flyer
- COVID-19 Stimulus Check Fact Sheet Flyer
- Economic Impacts Payment Flyer
- What you need to know about the CARES Act Flyer
- COVID-19 Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants in CA
Business Support:
- LAEDC Resources, email Inquiries to [email protected]
- Business and Worker Disaster Help Center at the Workforce Development, Aging Community Services (WDACS)
- Business and Worker Disaster Help Center: 1 833-238-4450
- America’s Job Centers of California (AJCCs) went virtual and provide In-Person services by appointment only. To find AJCCs numbers a google map was made reflecting the full RPU.
- New customers - email [email protected] (or call 888-226-6300)
- Businesses can email [email protected] for assistance.
- L.A. Small Business Emergency Micro Loan Program: https://ewddlacity.com/index.php/microloan-program
- Association of Chamber of Commerce Executive Resource Page: https://resources.acce.org/crisismanagement
- Paycheck protection program for non-profits and businesses: https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans/coronavirus-relief-options/paycheck-protection-program-ppp
- Department of Labor Resources: https://www.dol.gov/coronavirus
- US Chamber of Commerce Save Small Business Initiative resources: https://www.uschamber.com/save-small-business
- Resources for CA by Region: https://cafwd.org/coronavirus/
College Admissions, Grading and Graduation Requirements: https://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/he/hn/collegereqsinformation.asp
Early Care and Education
- Los Angeles County Office of Education's COVID-19 Early Childhood Education resources page contains information for child care providers, parents and essential workers.
- Essential workers can get help finding child care by contacting The Child Care Alliance of Los Angeles or calling 1-888-922-4453.
- Emergency Child Care for Essential Workers: https://www.hasc.org/emergency-child-care-essential-workers
- Find Child Care Options near you: https://covid19.ca.gov/childcare/
- Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) Resources for schools: www.lacoe.edu
- Comprehensive Center Network COVID-19 Education Resources
- LAOCRC Office Weekly Updates: https://www.laocrc.org/news
- California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Weekly Wednesday Webinar from 9-10 a.m. https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/299858221
- Updates from the California State Universities (CSU’s): https://www2.calstate.edu/coronavirus/
- Updates from the University of California: https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/coronavirus
College Admissions, Grading and Graduation Requirements
Gov. Gavin Newsom's State of the State Address
Sonia Campos Rivera, VP of Public Policy and Public Affairs, responds to governor's budget proposal
Read more