Beyond Case Making: Taking Equitable and Bold Action to Close Workforce Gaps
Labor shortages – significantly impeding economic growth - are a priority among business leaders. The Milken Institute and leading experts shared innovative strategies businesses can implement to close workforce gaps through more inclusive talent recruitment, hiring, retention and advancement practices to support long-term success.
Topics included:
- Accessing and developing diverse talent
- Skills-based hiring and second chance hiring solutions
- Advancing economic mobility and creating space for your workforce
- Driving impact through advocacy
Regional Collaboration for Sustainable Economic Mobility
Higher education is a key driver of economic success and intergenerational social mobility, yet our public education systems continue to struggle to close opportunity and attainment gaps for students of color. The L.A. Region K-16 Collaborative is bringing together education leaders and regional employers to build equitable pathways in high-growth, high-wage sectors, such as health care, engineering and computer science careers.
Topics included:
- Key loss points for students of color in K-16 pathways to computing, engineering and health careers in the L.A. region
- L.A. Region K-16 Collaborative goals, and regional and subregional structure
- Promising strategies to accelerate student transitions in K-16 pathways via collaboration of K12, CC and CSU systems
Building Partnerships and Pathways for an Inclusive Clean Energy Future
California has an ambitious clean energy agenda, and L.A. is leading the way with sustainable, innovative solutions. We need to prepare skilled individuals to make it happen. The LA Regional Cleantech Career Academy is an innovative approach to advance L.A.'s green economy that engages the power of Los Angeles' diverse youth with access to industry leaders, career pathways and work experience.
Topics included:
- Promising practices, policies and programs with the emergence of clean energy
- The impact and power of innovative public-private partnerships
- The science of cultivating "climate conscious" talent to mitigate climate change
- Lessons learned, challenges and opportunities ahead from industry leaders in the field