Our Impact

Our Impact

UNITE-LA Releases New L.A. Health Care Talent Pipeline Impact Report

Dear Partners,

UNITE-LA is pleased to share our L.A. Health Care Talent Pipeline Impact Report and Executive Summary!

The report and summary highlight major accomplishments in our efforts to address critical health care workforce shortages in the L.A. region by ensuring underserved young adults from diverse, local communities engage with high-demand, living wage career pathways in the industry.

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Budget Statement


Budget Negotiations Between the Governor and State Legislature Remain Ongoing


Dear Partner,

Back in January, Governor Gavin Newsom released his proposed 2020-21 budget and projected over $5.6 billion in revenue. He included significant investments around homelessness, health care coverage and paid family leave. Since then, the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the state budget outlook, leaving the governor and the legislature with the difficult task of closing a $54 billion budget deficit. UNITE-LA urges Governor Newsom and the legislature to work out a deal that focuses on equitable solutions to help uplift our state’s already struggling families while also taking steps to strengthen our state’s economy.

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Workforce Ready


ULA_Logo_Thumbnail.jpgRe-Imagining Youth’s Continued Professional Development through Virtual Job Preparation and Work Readiness
As many businesses and organizations learn to meet the needs of the individuals they serve, UNITE-LA is similarly re-imagining some of its work to ensure youth are able to become successful, productive, future members of the workforce. UNITE-LA has partnered with Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation (CSOD Foundation) to enhance virtual workforce development and programming through their new online learning initiative called WorkforceReady.


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UNITE-LA Urges Congress to Provide Resources in Next Stimulus Package


ULA_Logo_Thumbnail.jpgUNITE-LA submitted its first federal support letter urging Congress to provide a significant infusion of resources in the next stimulus package. Our letter called for a cradle to career approach to fully address the impacts associated with the COVID-19 health crisis.  The letter was shared with the L.A. Congressional delegation, both House and Senate leadership, the Senate Health Education Labor & Pensions (HELP) committee and the House Education & Labor Committee. 

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