“What I took from these presentations was that you can do anything you want to do if you just put your heart into it. Nothing can stop you if you have the drive and determination to be who you want to be. I think that is the most powerful lesson anyone can ever receive.
–Leilani Turcios, 11th grade student
On Thursday, December 3rd, Stela Oliveira, LA’s Best Director of Education and Beyond the Bell Specialist, Dr. Victor Gonzalez spoke to Hollywood High School 11th grade students and made a lasting impression. Here are a few quotes from some of the students:
“What I took from these presentations was that you can do anything you want to do if you just put your heart into it. Nothing can stop you if you have the drive and determination to be who you want to be. I think that is the most powerful lesson anyone can ever receive. –Leilani Turcios, 11th grade student
“Both guest speakers were very good. They inspired me even more to do what I want to do in life and to push myself more in my education. They both had inspirational back stories and made me realize that there is no excuse for me not to go to school and not to get an education.” –Ashely Alvarado, 11th grade student
“What I learned is to follow your dreams always. Also, that you’ll get obstacles while and during accomplishing your goals. When the times get rough you don’t give up, you keep on going for your dreams no matter how much it takes.” –Emily Alvarado, 11th grade student
“I really appreciate them coming to share their experiences because it honestly motives me. I learned not to waste education and throw it away. There are times when I really want to give up, but people like them really make me think twice, and it makes me want to pursue my dreams even more. I am glad they came because I want to pursue a career in education. I learned a lot.” –Michelle Guevarar, 11th grade student
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