Business Education Partnerships Connect Students to the Real World


Career Fair

More than 5,000 students preparing for the workforce with career focused work-based learning opportunities


"Participating in the career fair with so many exciting professionals taught me that I can do anything," said one student from Camp Scudder in Santa Clarita. 


Thousands of students are getting a first hand look at the real world as they interact with professionals in education, healthcare, law, public service and new media as they prepare for rewarding careers in the workforce.

Through this programming, led by a team of Career Specialists from UNITE-LA, students understand that what they are learning in the classroom really connects to the real world. Working side by side and hearing first hand from professionals is really motivating them, producing positive outcomes and improved grades. Educators also receive the benefit of having business partners from their communities who can reinforce classroom instruction and bring needed resources to complement the instructional process with experience. 

"I really appreciated the opportunity and I really did get something out of working with such dynamic students"

Shane Mathias, public defender, San Bernadino County.