2020 Year in Review: Expanding Youth Career Pathways - Real World of STEAM

In September, UNITE-LA's Youth Engagement and Employer Engagement teams launched the Real World of STEAM in partnership with the Mayor's Hire LA's Youth initiative supporting youth, ages 16-24, enrolled in paid career awareness and exploration programs through two local YouthSource Centers: Para Los Niños and UCLA. Over the seven-week, 40-hour program, we hosted 13 sessions with the participation of 56 youth. We also engaged 26 industry professionals from 16 STEAM-focused employers, including science professionals from Amgen, the Oak Crest Institute of Science and USC's Viterbi School of Engineering; engineers from Boeing, the City of Los Angeles and Metro; and technology software engineers and entrepreneurs from Snap Inc. and Launchmaps. Programming will resume this spring!

✓ 92% of Youth Were People of Color

✓ 100% Reported Increased Knowledge of STEAM Careers

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