Get Involved

UNITE-LA needs partners and volunteers to help serve youth.


Explore the options below to learn about ways you can participate, then complete the interest form and we will contact you with more information


Fostering Business Education Partnerships

Business education partnerships benefit educators, students, business leaders and our community.  

Complete our partnership opportunity form and check the ways you want to participate.

Get Involved

Principal for a Day
, an annual event, allows business professionals to shadow school administrators to learn about the challenges of running a school.  Business to school matching begins as soon as school starts in late summer.

Executive for a Day provides school administrators the opportunity to visit business worksites to learn how the fundamentals of how they operate.   


Educator Externships hosted by business partners  Click Here  

Professional Development workshops for educators, led by business partners  Click here

School Career Days that allow business professionals to discuss their careers with students  Click here

Internships, job shadowing, and mentoring opportunities that businesses offer to students  Click here

School advisory boards, committees, and other opportunities for business professionals to contribute to school curriculum  Click here

Classroom speaking, share your professional experience and career opportunities with students in their classroom  Click here


Developing the future L.A. workforce

Preparing young adults for careers and workplace success benefits business, young adults, their families, and our community.  

 WRC Certificate

Summer internships offer youth invaluable experience and, based on feedback we've received, businesses gain new energy, insight and their staff learns something too!  Learn more about offering summer internships

Entry level job opportunities may be earned by our pool of youth applicants who have been certified as "work ready" in our rigorous program based on metrics defined by human resource professionals.  Learn more about sharing entry level job opportunities

Sponsor a youth if your business cannot accommodate an intern or young job applicant, you can provide a six week summer opportunity for as little as $2000. Learn more about sponsoring a summer internship or job opportunity

Volunteer to facilitate a Job Skills Workshop or mentor a young adult in a mock job interview.  Learn more about these volunteer opportunities

Partner with us to host Job Skills Workshop and/or mock job interviews at your facility, with our support and curriculum.  Learn more about these partnership opportunities


Expanding college access and success

Helping students realize their college potential improves the quality of life for young adults and the business community.

CFC Convention 

The Cash for College Convention is an opportunity for financial aid professionals, college and career exhibitors, college access providers and general volunteers to help host this two-day event serving about 8,000 Los Angeles high school students and their families.  Volunteer recruitment begins in early summer for our Fall event.  Learn more about seasonal volunteer opportunities

FAFSA Super Saturday may be earned by our pool of youth applicants who have been certified as "work ready" in our rigorous program based on metrics defined by human resource professionals.  Volunteer recruitment begins in after the Convention for our late January workshops.  Learn more about seasonal volunteer opportunities



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