Systems Change Highlights: Horizons 32K Strategic Plan - A Strategic Roadmap for Opportunity Youth

In partnership with the City of Los Angeles’ Economic Workforce Development Department (EWDD) and the Los Angeles Opportunity Youth Collaborative (OYC), co-convened by UNITE-LA and the Alliance for Children’s Rights, our team concluded an 18-month long strategic planning process aimed at improving system coordination to mitigate youth disconnection from education and the workforce. The Horizons 32K Strategic Plan: A Roadmap to Empowerment for Los Angeles’ Opportunity Youth was developed with input from system leaders, nonprofits, business leaders and Opportunity Youth (OY). This collective impact plan aims to reduce the number of OY in Los Angeles by 32,000 over four years.

Horizons 32K has been successfully embedded into Mayor Karen Bass’ Five-Year Strategic Workforce Plan, highlighting the importance of regional collaboration. Key partners include the City of Los Angeles Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD), Los Angeles County Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO), and education and workforce leaders from across the region.

As a backbone partner, UNITE-LA is implementing the plan by building governance structures, fundraising and aligning strategies with partners, ensuring equitable opportunities for vulnerable populations.

For more information, please reach out to Amber Chatman, Director of Workforce Systems and Policy, at [email protected].

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