As an approach for secondary education reform, UNITE-LA, partnering strategically with the L.A. Area Chamber of Commerce, champions Linked Learning which integrates rigorous academics with career-based learning and real world workplace experience in a wide range of fields, including science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics, (STEAM).
UNITE-LA is committed to an effective implementation of the Local Control Funding Formula (new school funding formula), new Common Core state standards and Next Generation Science Standards. UNITE-LA supports the development of a new enlightened accountability system, resulting from AB 484, that is based on the principle of subsidiarity, self-accountability supports and transparency. UNITE-LA supports a new vision of accountability that is inclusive of continuous professional development for educators and deeper learning for students tied to cole and career readiness. These efforts will revive our teaching profession, help transform student learning, and will ensure equity, transparency and flexibility that build local engagement and capacity.