Partner Spotlight: Helping UNITE-LA Take Flight

For the past 10 years, The Boeing Company has supported UNITE-LA’s work to build a strong 21st century workforce prepared for STEAM careers in our region.

The Boeing Company has funded UNITE-LA’s L.A. Regional STEM Hub, health care career pathway programming, tech career pathway programming and cleantech career pathway programming. Beyond funding, they have provided volunteers who have inspired young talent to pursue careers in various STEAM sectors, including aerospace and engineering. The Boeing Company’s Tamika Lang, senior manager, State and Local Government Operations in California, has served on UNITE-LA’s board of directors since July of 2020, and as such, has served as a policy advisor and participated on UNITE-LA’s 25th Anniversary Symposium morning plenary panel. In August, The Boeing Company awarded UNITE-LA with a $75,000 grant to provide Los Angeles youth with STEAM career pathway programming and a $25,000 sponsorship of UNITE-LA’s 25th Anniversary Symposium. UNITE-LA is grateful for their leadership in Los Angeles.

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