Like we all know, the cost of doing business is well, costly. In looking ahead, UNITE-LA is expanding and strengthening its outreach, relationship cultivation and management, and coordination to cross-sector stakeholders locally, regionally and statewide. To that end, UNITE-LA is currently focused on four crucial elements: creating a new, three-year strategic plan to guide the organization; centering anti-racism and race equity in both our internal and external operations; launching a new CRM; and adding to our organizational capacity through developing a volunteer management and engagement effort.
As such, UNITE-LA is so grateful to the James Irvine Foundation for awarding us a $400,000 general, operational grant, which will allow us to focus on these objectives. This month’s partner spotlight most deservingly goes to you, Irvine Foundation! The James Irvine Foundation is a private, nonprofit grantmaking foundation dedicated to expanding opportunity for the people of California. The Foundation's grantmaking is committed to a California where all low-income workers have the power to advance economically. Since 1937, the Foundation has provided more than $2.2 billion in grants to nonprofit organizations throughout California. With about $3.8 billion in assets, the Foundation made grants of $129 million in 2021.
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