UNITE-LA Applauds FCC’s Proposal to Amend E-rate Program Amid Connectivity Crisis

June 28, 2024

Claudine Battisti, UNITE-LA


UNITE-LA Applauds FCC’s Proposal to Amend E-rate Program Amid Connectivity Crisis


Los Angeles, CA — UNITE-LA, a trusted education and business intermediary, is dedicated to supporting the development of an effective, local, public education system, so that all children and youth succeed in college, career and beyond. Through the intersection of programming, policy and systems change efforts, UNITE-LA works to increase access to high-quality early childhood education, develop career pathways in high-growth industries, improve college access and success, and ensure workforce readiness, especially for individuals with high barriers into the workforce. UNITE-LA applauds the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for its announcement to vote on an Order amending the E-rate program.

"It is estimated that close to 450,000 LAUSD students qualified for the federal Emergency Connectivity Fund for the past two years, connecting these students to low-cost internet service in their home. With the end of this fund, an additional 8 million households throughout the country are losing their subsidy at the end of June," said Alysia Bell, President of UNITE-LA.

The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) had launched the "All Families Connected" (ACF) initiative to ensure every student has reliable access to high-speed internet and modern computing devices both at home and at school. This initiative is part of the district's broader efforts to promote equity, empowerment and excellence in education. Demand for the AFC program currently exceeds the supply of devices, thus making the new eRate amendment ever-more important.

The FCC Chairwoman's proposal to amend the E-rate program to enable schools and libraries to provide wireless Internet services to families in disconnected and low-income households can be a game changer for students – in Los Angeles and across the country. UNITE-LA strongly supports this initiative, and we commend the Chairwoman's proactive vision, leadership and commitment to do everything possible to close the digital divide.

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