UNITE-LA Today: Avantus Cleantech Career Academy Launch

Last month, UNITE-LA, in partnership with Avantus, held the kickoff event for the Avantus Cleantech Career Academy. During the event, the Academy’s founders, partners and local leaders recognized 75 students who will spend 12 weeks learning about essential skills, industry sectors, local employers and career pathways into the emerging, clean energy economy. We are leading the way to developing a diverse, inclusive, local workforce to meet the industry’s talent pipeline needs.

The event provided students, accompanied by family members, an opportunity to network, partake in professional headshots and meet the visionaries behind this collaborative partnership. Students were inspired by the emcee, Dawn Dai, the host of Vitamin D with Dawn Dai Podcast and former KJLH radio personality, and heard from Alysia Bell, UNITE-LA President, and Tom Buttgenbach, the CEO of Avantus, along with a panel of employers who have committed jobs and internships. At the end of the 12-week program, eligible students will receive scholarships to continue their cleantech education and an opportunity to further their experience through internships with partnering cleantech employers,

The students’ first session focused on building skills and relationships that will help them thrive in Los Angeles’ clean energy future. To help us introduce cleantech career pathways to students, we had four Avantus leaders join us. Be sure to check out the link to the photo gallery and student videos.

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