Last year, UNITE-LA embarked on a process to fully integrate and deepen race equity and anti-racism work in our internal operations and external work, with a particular focus on anti-Black racism. We began in 2020 by curating a staff-driven resource list of readings, videos, music and other materials on anti-racism and equity. At the same time, we established an internal Equity and Anti-Racism Planning Group as well as an Advisory Group, each comprised of diverse staff from across the organization. The planning groups created a draft workplan and issued a competitive RFP for a skilled, creative and strategic consultant to work with us on this journey.
The consultant will work with us to build staff capacity in understanding of equity and racism—especially institutional and systemic anti-Black racism; facilitate an organizational assessment of our internal practices/processes and external equity and anti-racism work; build capacity for innovation, implementation and monitoring of deeper equity and anti-racism work; and provide strategic planning support and guidance for the deepening of our equity and anti-racism work and the tracking of measurable improvements. Our aim is full integration of race equity and anti-racism, particularly anti-Black racism, into the work and functioning of UNITE-LA.
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