UNITE-LA Today: Budget Outlook - Difficult Economic Times Ahead

After three years of historical surpluses in our state budget that helped uplift and strengthen youth and families from historically marginalized communities, California is again facing historical deficits that will negatively affect progress made. The state is now facing a projected $27.6 billion shortfall. This is after the legislature’s attempt to stop the bleeding by taking action and reducing the shortfall by approximately $17.3 billion.

The Governor and legislature are faced with difficult choices making cuts across the board impacting the safety net of many, particularly those who need it most. UNITE-LA has been proactive in sharing our concerns with state leadership by meeting with legislators and writing letters of support indicating UNITE-LA’s priorities. As indicated, the business community across the state has weighed in on the challenges to the cuts around cradle-through-career education. We are prepared to advocate to maintain and eventually increase funding in the years to come. Read our letter specific to education and workforce development.

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