UNITE-LA Today: Parenting College Students at the Forefront

UNITE-LA has deepened its work in educational equity and economic mobility by identifying and targeting needed resources for parenting college students, a group disproportionately comprised of Latina and Black women. September was a busy and productive month: we presented our research findings at two convenings and worked with partners to advance supports for this underserved population.

On Sept. 5-6, we showed up in community at the Forging Equitable Futures for Student Parents convening at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College, which brought together California parenting students, elected officials, Institutes of Higher Education (IHE) personnel, policy advocates and nonprofits working toward equity for this student subgroup. The event was hosted by Michelson 20 MM Foundation and the California Alliance for Parenting Student Success.

  • Dr. Lisa Catanzarite (UNITE-LA Vice President of Research and Evaluation), Humberto Estratalan (UNITE-LA Director of Public Policy) and Adam Gottlieb (UNITE-LA Director of Postsecondary Strategy and Policy) participated in the members-only breakfast meeting of the California Alliance for Parenting Student Success, along with many of our L.A. and statewide partners. 
  • Dr. Catanzarite presented UNITE-LA’s original research on challenges and supports for parenting students. (The Empowering L.A. Students for College Success report and executive summary can be found here.)
  • Adam Gottlieb and Humberto Estratalan connected with IHE and early care and education (ECE) colleagues, as UNITE-LA works to leverage these two areas of our expertise in support of parenting students and their child care needs. Earlier this year, UNITE-LA began engaging in parenting students policy initiatives: we co-sponsored AB2458 (Berman)—on improved data collection and financial supports for parenting students, which was lifted up at the event. Gottlieb had the opportunity to meet with Assemblymember Berman and other co-sponsors at the convening to discuss the bill's progress (it had been passed by the legislature, but not yet signed by the governor) and future opportunities in higher education legislation.

On Sept. 24, Dr. Catanzarite again presented our research findings, this time at the Education Equity Forum 2024: Authenticity in Action, hosted by Ed Trust West. The forum, which took place in Oakland, is known as a convening where advocates, policymakers, educators and community leaders come together both to learn from each other and to advance equity initiatives.

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