UNITE-LA Today: Tech Talk

On April 25, UNITE-LA hosted “Tech Talk,” the last session of Part 1 of our fifth Step into Tech cohort, with 17 graduates.

Sixteen graduates completed 18 hours of introductory training and received a completion badge in networking, cybersecurity and data science via the Cisco Networking Academy. All 17 have elected to move onto Part 2 to earn their lifetime certification in one of those pathways. Students will be responsible for completing 90-125 hours of courses and passing the Cisco Certified Support Technician (CCST) certification (Networking/Cybersecurity) or the PCEP™ – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer (Data Science) course. Since survey responses indicated they would appreciate more support during Part 2, UNITE-LA has added two additional sessions and one additional mentor session.

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