UNITE-LA Today: The Importance of Investments

Gov. Newsom unveiled the 2022-23 state budget last month, proposing a $100 billion investment in funding for schools and community colleges. The following are some cradle-to-career highlights:

  • $3.4 billion towards the Expanded Learning Opportunity Program, which provides a nine-hour school day with before- and after-school programs for low-income children, first through sixth grade;
  • an additional 36,000 child care slots for working parents on top of the 110,000 slots funded last year;
  • $1.5 billion in one-time funding over four years to develop high school career pathways in partnerships with higher education;
  • $1 billion to begin phasing in universal transitional kindergarten for all 4-year-olds by 2025; and
  • more than $54 million to recruit teachers and make it easier for them to earn a credential.

To read more, visit this link.

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