UNITE-LA Today: Avantus Cleantech Career Academy Gets Spotlight

UNITE-LA President, Alysia Bell, and Senior Vice President of Programming, Bridget Netter, joined Roberta Connors, director of HR for Avantus, to present the Avantus Cleantech Career Academy during a breakout session at the California Workforce Association's Annual Spring Conference in San Diego.

The session was entitled "Diversifying the Workforce for Los Angeles' Booming Cleantech Sector through Partnerships" and highlighted how our innovative partnership between workforce development boards, businesses, nonprofits and institutions of education is diversifying the workforce for Los Angeles’ booming cleantech sector. There were nearly 600 people in attendance at this three-day conference, and in addition to highlighting the Academy, attendance bolstered UNITE-LA's goal to deepen partnerships with Workforce Development Boards at the local, regional and state levels.

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