Employers working with UNITE-LA's L.A. Youth at Work program reported 4,582 youth hired across Los Angeles in the 2021-22 Hire LA's Youth Report Card. So far this summer, 220 youth referred by UNITE-LA were hired for paid internships through our new "2022 in 2022" employer campaign, and placed with companies that include Accenture, Kaiser Permanente L.A. Medical Center, Kaiser Permanente Panorama Medical Center, L.A. Metro, United Airlines and Snap Inc. If you are an employer looking for talent, particularly in the fields of tech, entertainment or health care, we can help you diversify and broaden your candidate pool by sharing your jobs and internship postings with our network of work-ready candidates! Sign up here with your email, and you'll receive information on how to disseminate job openings within our diverse, motivated talent pipeline for FREE. If you have any questions about the campaign, please contact Ever Hilleprandt at [email protected].
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