UNITE-LA Today: Survey Says

UNITE-LA’s Research & Evaluation team worked with program staff to assess the effectiveness of our virtual Fall 2020 L.A. Cash for College workshop series. We administered online surveys at each of the 17 sessions, focusing on value of the individual workshops and their impact on knowledge and preparedness. Below are some very promising results!



  • 97% of respondents described the session as well-organized, helpful and informative.
  • 100% would recommend the workshops to others.


Specific Highlights

As a result of the  Financial Aid workshops, almost all participants became more knowledgeable about:

  • scholarship application requirements (95%)
  • costs of going to college (92%)
  • applying for student financial aid (86%)


As a result of workshops on the College Application Process, the vast majority of participants became more knowledgeable about:

  • writing a clear personal statement (82%)
  • filling out a: 
    • UC application (97%)
    • CSU application (91%)
    • community college application (86%)
  • applying for the L.A. College Promise (66%)

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