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 STEM In Action





Edison UCI Scholarship

Scholarships Help UC Students Get a Head Start on STEM Degrees

Edison International and UC Irvine have helped 275 transfer students graduate from college. Read the full article

Similarly, Edison has also been partnering with UC Riverside helping college students achieve their STEM degrees, recently awarding the school a $100,000 grant to support 20 undergraduates studying in STEM programs.  Read the full article





CSULA ECST Celebration

CAULA College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology (ECST) celebrates National Engineering Week


On Wednesday, February 24, Cal State L.A. College of Engineering, Computer Science and Technology (ECST) celebrated National Engineering Week by inviting engineering pathways from three local high schools for the first annual Community Outreach Day.

Van Nuys High School's Automotive & Manufacturing pathway was on of the selected schools to attend.  29 Van Nuys students, ranging from 10th-12th graders, received an informational presentation on admissions requirements into Cal State L.A.'s Engineering department.  Students were led on a tour of the labs in the ECST departments including the Hydrogen Research and Fueling Facility.  It became the first station in the nation to sell hydrogen fuel by the kilogram to the public.  Students also learned about the various student engineering clubs on campus.



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